Cyber Security and Business Continuity

How cyber secure is your company?

With this project we want to increase the level of cyber security at Danish small and medium-sized manufacturing companies (SMEs) by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in their supply chains and then identifying the capabilities that are necessary to be able to handle the vulnerabilities. This is based on future scenarios for two critical infrastructure areas (defense and IT and communication technology). That is why we also have a close collaboration with the national clusters Odense Robotics and CenSec.

Training in cyber security

The SMEs are trained in a four-phase process model to ensure Supply Chain Resilience – a model that was developed in an earlier project by The Danish Industry Fundation ( Through training in cyber security, the project also contributes to increasing the level of knowledge about it in general among the SMEs. The project also has a particular focus on ensuring cross-organisational understanding of cyber security in the selection of concrete solutions, as well as changing a cost-conscious approach to one where competitive advantages are created by excelling in cyber security.

Funded by The Danish Industry Foundation

The project is supported by the Danish Industry Foundation with DKK 8.5 million in funding. It runs until the end of February 2026 and is conducted by the University of Southern Denmark and the Danish Defense Academy.